If you want to use inputs in an arquero query, you can use the params method of table. Below is a simple example of filtering a dataset by the values provided.
---title: "Arquero"format: html: code-tools: true---Simple demonstration of [Arquero](https://uwdata.github.io/arquero/) using Allison Horst's [Palmer Penguins](https://allisonhorst.github.io/palmerpenguins/) dataset. ```{ojs}import { aq, op } from'@uwdata/arquero'penguins = aq.loadCSV("palmer-penguins.csv")penguins.view()penguins.groupby('species').filter(d => d.body_mass_g>0).rollup({count: op.count(),avg_mass: op.average('body_mass_g') }).view()```If you want to use inputs in an arquero query, you can use the `params` method of table.Below is a simple example of filtering a dataset by the values provided.```{ojs}//| panel: inputviewof bill_length_min = Inputs.range( [32,50], {value:35,step:1,label:"Bill length (min):"})viewof islands = Inputs.checkbox( ["Torgersen","Biscoe","Dream"], { value: ["Torgersen","Biscoe"],label:"Islands:" })``````{ojs}penguins.params({blm: bill_length_min,i: islands }).filter((d, $) => op.includes($.i, d.island) && d.bill_length_mm> $.blm).view()```