1.3 Release Notes

Fixed In This Release

  • Fix incorrect preview behavior when reloading edited pages from listings (e.g. blog posts). Fixes (#6026)

Fixed In Previous Releases

  • Fix issue that prevented Quarto from properly reporting crossreferenceable figures to IDEs (note that Quarto 1.3.427 contained an attempted fix for this issue which did not work properly. This release contains a functional fix.)
  • Fix incorrect behavior when previewing --to all
  • Fix missing handling of rel="..." values in the navbar’s tools template (#5756)
  • Disable browser cache using Cache-Control header config in the viewer redirect for PDF preview, correctly allowing a HTML preview later on same port. (#5882)
  • Fix error when publishing a document in a subfolder (quarto-dev/quarto#183).
  • Fix error when publishing a document in a subfolder (#5330).
  • Fix duplicate bibliography when users enable citeproc directly. (#5588).
  • Fix issue where specificying search: false on an individual page would not exclude that page from the website search index.
  • Fix error when rendering document with HTML Widgets after updating to Knitr 1.43. (#5702).
  • Properly position margin elements (#5289).
  • Improve chrome detection for MacOS (#2214).
  • Correctly hide section numbers in responsive HTML view of books, when requested (#5306).
  • Properly handle figures within lists (#5317, #5461).
  • Do not hide banner style title block when in responsive view (#5296).
  • Ensure global environment is available to LUA filters (#5466).
  • Ensure RevealJS navigation works properly even when there is a section called ‘Theme’ (#5455).

Confluence Publishing

  • Add support for publishing both documents and projects to Atlassian Confluence spaces and as children to Confluence pages.

Jupyter Notebooks

  • Add support for embedding cell outputs in quarto documents using {{< embed >}}. You can address cells by Id, Tag, or label, such as {{< embed mynotebook.ipynb#fig-output >}} which would embed the output of a cell with the label fig-output). You can also provide a list of ids like {{< embed mynotebook.ipynb#fig-output,tbl-out >}}.
  • Only attempt to postprocess text/plain output if it’s nonempty (#3896).
  • Fix output of bokeh plots so the right number of cells is generated (#2107).
  • Fix output of code cells that contain triple backticks (or more) (#3179).
  • Don’t install SIGCHLD signal handler since it interferes with IJulia in Julia 1.8.4 and greater (#2539).
  • Resolve full path to QUARTO_PYTHON binary
  • Improve handling of YAML and titles in notebooks (auto-merge heading based title with YAML front matter)
  • Discard matplotlib, seaborn, and plotnine intermediate objects from output
  • With IJulia’s miniconda python env, search for python in addition to python3 (#4821).
  • Allow export: as a cell yaml option to support new nbdev syntax (#3152).
  • merge multiple stream outputs to work around diverging behavior between jupyter and nbclient (#4968).

Knitr engine

  • Help rmarkdown find pandoc binary bundled with Quarto if none is found (#3688).
  • Do not bind knitr engine when only inline r expressions are found (#3908).
  • Fix an issue with output: asis in chunks with plots (#3683).

Code Annotation

HTML Format

  • Improved handling of margin references that appear within a callout. (#3003)
  • Add support for customizing the baseline widths of grid columns using yaml or scss. For more information, see https://www.quarto.org/docs/prerelease/1.3.html.
  • Fix wrapping of long code entries inside table cells (#3221)
  • Fix author display to use the url for an author even when there is no affiliation.
  • Add support for linking to other formats, when more than one format is produced. Alternate formats will appear with the TOC. Control using format-links.
  • Add support for linking to source notebooks that provide embedded content. Control using notebook-links
  • Improve callout wrapping behavior for long strings with no word breaks.
  • Add overflow to tables generated from SQL code cells (#3497).
  • Fix support for parquet files in OJS code cells (#3630).
  • Forward bootstrap table classes from caption to table element (#4036).
  • Render code listings with names and captions correctly (#2195).
  • Fix issue with interactivity of elements in mobile size dispay when toc-left is being used. (#4244).
  • Allow control of the ‘cite as’ appendix in HTML documents using appendix-cite-as (pass false, display, or bibtex). (#2625)
  • Properly anchor custom appendix sections (#3112).
  • Don’t display custom appendix sections in the TOC (#3113).
  • Use custom styles.html template partial to better support checkbox alignment (#4556).
  • Improve ergonomics of text-highting in HTML output, not emitting difficult overwrite styles and better supporting theme -> CSS conversion. (#4334).
  • Improve CSS of nested tight and loose lists (#4560).
  • Resolve Bootstrap responsive classes in tables (#2997).
  • Fine tuning of the appearance of computational and markdown table and more uniformly apply such styling.
  • Fine tuning of the appearance of header and body text.
  • Fix invalid figcaption DOM structure (#5234).

Article Layout

  • Improve positioning of margin content defined within tabsets (#3280).
  • Improve support for tables with margin positioned endnotes (#4324).

Revealjs Format

  • reduce font size of df-print: paged tables (#3380)
  • width and height in percent are now correctly supported (#4063)
  • add better margins to numbered lists in the presence of many items and .scrollable (#4283).
  • Properly support scss imports for RevealJS extensions (#3414)
  • Authors on the title slides now correctly object customization of the $presentation-title-slide-text-align scss variable (#3843)
  • Properly support show-notes: separate-page #3996
  • Improve footnote / aside layout for centered slides. #4297
  • Ensure anchors refer to the containing slide in case of crossrefs (#3533).
  • Support output-location as a top level option in Revealjs presentations (#3261)
  • Fix PDF export keyboard shortcut and button in menu (#2988)
  • Fix title slide CSS when hash-type: number (#4418).

EPUB Format

  • Enable webtex (epub2 format) or mathml (epub/epub3 format) by default for EPUB output #4403


  • Properly fall back to language only locale when a supported language-region locale isn’t available. (#3059)

PDF Format

  • Fix wrong page number in the TOC for appendices (#3164) (Thank you, @iusgit!)
  • Add support for automatically converting SVG images to PDF (#2575)
  • Previously, if the pdf-engine was set to latexmk, we would bypass many features of Quarto and use Pandoc to produce the PDF output. Starting in in Quarto 1.3, all Quarto features will be enabled for the latexmk engine and latexmk will be used to run the PDF generation loop.
  • Fix author processing in default PDFs for complex author names (#3483)
  • Remove excessive vertical space between theorem type blocks (#3776).
  • Fix temporary .tex filenames in the presence of multiple variants (#3762).
    • Note that this fix changes the filenames used for PDF files with variants. In quarto 1.3, the automatic output names for PDF files include format variants and modifiers.
  • Correctly download online image on Windows (#3982).
  • Permissions of .tex file are now correct when keep-tex: true (#4380).
  • Better support footnotes within Callouts in PDF / LaTeX output (#1235).
  • Allow fig-pos: false to support custom figure environments that don’t support the H option (#4832).
  • Allow fig-pos: to specify complex arguments with square and curly braces (#4854).

Beamer Format

  • Document theme format metadata option (#3377)

Markdown Formats

  • Properly forward variants (e.g. +yaml_metadata_block) to gfm format.
  • gfm format now supports a local browser based preview when using quarto preview. If you’d like to see the raw markdown in preview, you can add preview-mode: raw to your document front matter or project.
  • gfm and commonmark output formats now use ATX style headers (#4280)

Mermaid diagrams

  • Upgrade to mermaid 9.2.2
  • Add support for theming mermaid diagrams in Javascript formats (#2165). See the prerelease documentation notes for details.
  • Allow %%| label mermaid cell option that control the id of the resulting SVG, to facilitate CSS overrides.
  • Use htmlLabels: false in mermaid flowcharts.
  • Remove support for tooltips, which appear to not be working in mermaid 9.2.2.
  • Add support for fig-align in mermaid diagrams in HTML format (#3294).
  • Add support for %%| file mermaid cell option (#3665).
  • Fix code-fold support in mermaid (and dot) diagrams (#4423).
  • Fix caption insertion in the presence of alignment specifiers with {} in them (#4748).
  • Support fig-env and fig-pos in mermaid diagrams in PDF format (#4832).

Dot diagrams

  • Support fig-env and fig-pos in dot diagrams in PDF format (#4832).


  • Properly fall back to language only locale when a supported language-region locale isn’t available. (#3059)

About Pages

  • Add support for image-alt which provides alternate text for the about page image. (#3010)
  • Add support for image-title on About pages (#3077)

Article Layout

  • Improve the performance of extremely large documents with margin elements by improving the efficiency of positioning the elements.


  • Listings now support template-params, which will be passed to custom EJS templates in a variable called templateParams when a listing is rendered.
  • Custom listing objects now resolve path: fields into the metadata that would be generated by standard listings, giving custom listing access to computed metadata like reading-time, etc.
  • Improve support for date-modified in listings
  • Improve support for yml based listings by supporting usage of title and description from yml.
  • Allow listings in project to point directly to non-input files (such as yml files) to use for contents.
  • Allow sort: false to disable any sorting, allowing items to appear in their original / natural order. (#3296)
  • Warn if listings are being used outside of a website (#4267)
  • Permit using computation outputs (plots/figures) as the preview image for an item in a listing (#2324)
  • Use alt text from preview image that is discovered for a page in a listing (#3706)
  • Add support for includes: and excludes: in listings, which will use filter the items included in a listing. (#2577).
  • Properly render structured author names in listings (#4881)


  • Add suport for ‘Back to top’ navigational button. Controlled using back-to-top-navigation: under website:, can be disabled by setting back-to-top-navigation: false on individual pages.
  • Fix issue assigning specific sidebar to a specific page using sidebar: (#3389)
  • Change behavior of publish gh-pages to always render into a clean directory. Previous behavior was to add to existing contents of gh-pages branch. (#3199, @ijlyttle)
  • Order sidebar entries using filename rather than title
  • Position repo-actions in the page footer if there is nowhere else to position them (#3998)
  • Render page-footer even when a Navbar isn’t present (#4053)
  • Don’t treat links with no href as external when link-external-icon is enabled (#3645)
  • Escape HTML from code cells that appears inline in search results (#4404)
  • Use input last modified timestamp when updating sitemap (#3251)
  • Add support for overriding the url used to report an issue with a website using issue-url (which can be provided even if there is no repo provided for the website).
  • Properly localize search button title and various toggle aria-labels (#4559)
  • Support navbar: true to turn on a top navbar even if there are no contents
  • Improve title recognition for pages that don’t include a title in metadata (#4528)
  • Ensure that footnote are properly indexed for website and book searches (#4601).
  • Permit sidebar items to include icons (#3830).
  • Improve the appearance of the collapsed navbar toggle button
  • Properly respect the footer border when set explicitly in _quarto.yml (#4982)


  • Remove chapter number of HTML head title when number-sections is false (#3304).
  • Non-HTML book output formats will now be placed in subdirectories (book-<format>) within the project output directory (_books)
  • Don’t discard the first chapter header when a chapter title is declared using YAML.
  • Support for rendering to Asciidoc
  • Support for rendering to LaTeX
  • Properly support localized appendex name in book website navigation (#4578)
  • Don’t emit duplicate bibliography heading when LaTeX/PDF books are rendering using natbib or biblatex (#2770)


  • Correct redirect for VS Code Server (#3352) (Thank you, @benz0li!)


  • quarto.version() now returns Version object that simplifies comparison (thank you @tarleb)

HTML Output

  • HTML output will not decorate links within source code (for example, from code-link: true) with external icons. (#3755)
  • Use toc-expand to control to what level the TOC will expand by default in HTML documents.
  • Improve tab border coloring across themes (#4868).


  • Work around pandoc strict checking of number-offset type. (#3126)
  • Warn instead of crash on bad URI (#3220)
  • ensure video shortcode works with embed-resources and self-contained (#3310)
  • Add optional rel attribute to navigation links (#3212)
  • Use the right port when CRI is initialized multiple times (#3066)
  • Allow custom themes for giscus (#3105)
  • Add new kbd shortcode, to describe keyboard keys (#3384). See the pre-release documentation for details.
  • Replace default style for date picker component in OJS (#2863).
  • quarto check now supports quarto check versions for checking binary dependency versions in the case of custom binaries (#3602).
  • the API for shortcode handlers in lua now accepts a fourth parameter raw_args which hold the unparsed arguments in a table (#3833).
  • remove scaffolding div from conditional content in final output (#3847).
  • ensure proof titles are appended to paragraph nodes (#3772).
  • Support parsing markdown in table captions in LaTeX and HTML tables (#2573).
  • Improve parsing of include shortcodes (#3159).
  • Add support for Youtube privacy-enhanced urls in video shortcodes (#4060).
  • Don’t emit empty cells (#4034).
  • Resolve link tags correctly in html dependencies (#4304) (Thank you, @jdlom!).
  • use correct language code for Korean (#4187).
  • resolve YAML options correctly for comments with open+close syntax (#3901).
  • Work around rare deno tempfile creation bug (#4352).
  • Only open “safe ports” for Chromium (#4514).
  • Detect potential bad argument ordering in quarto render (#3581).
  • Detect potential git merge conflict in \_freeze files (#4529).
  • Trim whitespace from the end of yaml strings in jupyter engine to work around poyo parsing issue (#4573).
  • Use “iso” date form instead of “short” to format citations properly (#4586).
  • Fix typo thumnail-image -> thumbnail-image in listing template (#4602) (Thank you, @mattspence!).
  • Add support for targeting the #refs divs with citations when using natbib or biblatex to generate a bibliography.
  • Warn users about Chromium installation issues in WSL (#4596).
  • Fix issue with “No inspectable targets” with Chrome Browser (#4653)
  • Add title attribute for callouts (can be used rather than heading for defining the title)
  • Handle more varieties of raw HTML for Docusaurus output
  • Read and process DOM one-file-at-time in books and websites to reduce total memory usage (#4350).
  • Fix issue with TeX Live 2023 bin paths on Windows (#4906).

Pandoc filter changes

  • Quarto 1.3 introduces the notion of Custom AST nodes to Pandoc filters. If you use Lua filters for processing callouts, tabsets, or conditional blocks, consult the pre-release documentation for how to change your filters to support the new syntax.
  • Quarto 1.3 now processes HTML tables (in Markdown input) into Pandoc AST nodes, which can be processed by user filters and output into non-HTML formats. In addition, it supports “embedded Markdown content” which will be resolved by quarto’s processing, including shortcode and crossref resolution. See the prerelease documentation for more.


  • fix rendering of individual project files to stdout (#4052).
  • fix previewing docusaurus project on Windows (#4312).
  • fix performance issue in large projects (#5002).


  • Fix error publishing when an output-dir is specified (#4158).
  • Emit error when git <2.17.0 is used (#4575).
  • Fix error regarding --site-url when publishing document and not website (#4384).


  • Fix error when running the command quarto render -h to receive help (#3202).
  • Fix error when rendering a document with an extension which provides a directory as format-resources (#4377).
  • Fix incorrect copying of resource files during rendering (#4544)
  • Extension authors may now force files to be included in their template by writing the file / file path in the .quartoignore file prefixed with a !. For example !README.md (#4061).
  • Fix issue when installing extensions on older Windows (#4203).