Recently I gave a webinar for R/Medicine titled “Quarto for Reproducible Medical Manuscripts”. You can watch the video below or on the R Consortium website at
Some highlights from the webinar include:
Step-by-step instructions for getting started with a new manuscript project
Obtaining multiple formats from one source
An overview of the rich front matter
Embedding computations from supplementary notebooks
- Note that I demoed embedding computations in R from .qmd files however it’s also possible to embed computations from Jupyter notebooks and computations done in Python.
A live-coding demo of authoring Quarto manuscripts with RStudio and all the bells-and-whistles of the visual editor, including:
- cross referencing
- citations
- inline code
Ability to actually interact with code from a manuscript with Binder
And a rich Q&A, thanks to the audience!
The slides (also written in Quarto!) and their source code can be found at the links below:
Source code for slides:
In addition, the webinar featured a reproduction of a medical manuscript with Quarto.2 Materials from this reproduction can be found at the links below:
Manuscript homepage:
- This is an HTML page but you can also access PDF and MS Word versions of the manuscript by clicking on their respective links.
- You can also find a link to the Binder instance for this manuscript.3
Source code for manuscript:
Ready to get started writing a manuscript with Quarto? Go to for more info and a step-by-step tutorial. Happy authoring!
Huge thanks to the R Consortium for hosting the webinar and making the recording available so quickly!↩︎
Huge thanks to Peter Higgins who pointed me to this article as well as the R package that contains code from the article (medicaldata) and shared some starter code with me.↩︎
The Binder instance takes a few minutes to launch, you can leave that running in a tab while you browse the rest of the manuscript in another tab.↩︎