Quarto Extensions

Extend Quarto with new capabilities

Quarto Extensions are a powerful way to modify or extend the behavior of Quarto, and can be created and distributed by anyone. Extension types include filters, shortcodes, and custom formats.


J.J. Allaire


July 25, 2022

Quarto Extensions are a powerful way to modify or extend the behavior of Quarto, and can be created and distributed by anyone. There are three types of extensions available:

Here are some examples of extensions developed and maintained by the core Quarto team:

Extension Description
lightbox Create lightbox treatments for images in your HTML documents.
fancy-text Output nicely formatted versions of fancy strings such as LaTeX and BibTeX in multiple formats.
fontawesome Use Font Awesome icons in HTML and PDF documents.
latex-environment Quarto extension to output custom LaTeX environments.

To learn more about using extensions, see the Extensions documentation on the Quarto website. If you want to dive in to creating your own extensions check out the articles on Creating Shortcodes, Creating Filters, and Creating Formats.


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